Zugriffsrechte-Fehlermeldung beim Speichern eines Photoshop Dokumentes auf einem File-Server

Diese nachfolgende Beschreibung, gefunden unter support.grouplogic.com, beschreibt die Hintergründe, weshalb häufig das Speichern von Photoshop-Dokumenten auf Fileserver via SMB oder AFP zu Fehlermeldungen und noch schlimmer, zu leeren und somit unbrauchbaren Photoshop-Dateien führen kann.

Kurzum, wenn ein Benutzer versucht, eine vom Server geöffnete Datei via „Sichern“ wieder zu speichern UND GLEICHZEITIG ein anderen User in DIESEM Ordner auf dem Server im Finder oder einem Öffnendialog-Fenster geöffnet hat, kommt es zu diesem Problem.

Es hilft in diesem Fall, wenn noch möglich, nur das vorübergehende Speichern auf dem lokalen Rechner oder via „Speichern unter“ unter einem anderen Namen.



A Photoshop error occurs when saving a file to an Apple File Protocol (AFP) network share. Error – ‘Photoshop could not save “file” because write access was not granted’.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open a Photoshop file from the server
  2. Choose Save from the File menu
  3. The message Error – ‘Photoshop could not save “file” because write access was not granted’ is displayed
  4. If the user selects “Save” – the file is purged from the server
  5. If the user selects “Save As” and keeps the same filename – the operation usually succeeds (if it fails the file is purged from the server)
  6. If the user selects “Save As” and enters a unique filename – the operation will succeed


When Photoshop saves a document, it deletes the current file, creates a new blank file with the same name, and then attempts to open the new file for writing. Finally, it writes the image being saved to the new file. If any part of this process fails, the original file is lost.

The most common way this error is triggered, is if one user is saving a document while a second user is browsing through the same folder where the document is being saved. The problem happens because when the Finder reads a file to create a preview, a write lock is placed on the file so that it cannot be changed while it is being read. Due to this write lock by the second user the first user is unable to save changes to the file that they just created. Although the timing has to be just right, with many users browsing the directory, the issue can occur frequently.

This error is reproducible against any file server using either AFP or SMB – it does not specifically relate to ExtremeZ-IP. Theoretically the same error can occur even when saving a file locally. You can also trigger the error by having a second Mac browsing for a file in Photoshop or another application’s open dialog.


There is not much that can be done other than reattempting the save, using “Save as” with a unique filename, or saving locally and then copying to the server.

It is a good idea (although maybe not feasible depending on the environment) to avoid having more than one user working on files in the same folder. Photoshop has a number of problems when saving over a network and this is just one you may encounter. Adobe specifically does not support saving over the network. Adobe has a product called Version Cue specifically for managing shared files and file versioning.


There is no fix at this time. See workaround.

Deinstallation von Sophos Cloud für Mac mittels Terminalbefehl

Der Artikel mit der ID 120856 bei Sophos beschreibt, wie Sophos Cloud Managed Endpoint V9 (Mac) via Terminalbefehl deinstalliert werden kann. Anbei der passende Befehl:

sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Sophos/saas/Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/InstallationDeployer –remove


Weitere hilfreiche Terminalbefehle zu Installation und Deinstallation der Sophos Antivirus Versionen!